Jonathan North Washington's sections:
Winter 2007 [ current | previous quarters ]
Syllabi: [ ling200 AA | ling200 AD | course syllabus ]
- due 2007-01-23: [ Assignment 2 ]
- due 2007-01-30: [ Assignment 3 ] - 4.3: #1, #2; 4.5: #1.6, #1.8. Warning: in 1.6, [ʃ] and [tʃ] are to be considered separately.
- due 2007-02-06: Assignment 4 - 5.6 #1.3, #1.4, #1.7. Note: in 1.7 parts b & c, analyze the morphemes in terms of all three morphological distinctions mentioned in class (bound vs. free, content vs. function, derivation vs. inflectional); if bound, then say what kind of affix (prefix, suffix, infix, or circumfix).
- due 2007-02-13: [ Assignment 5 ]
- due 2007-02-20: [ Assignment 6 ]
- due 2007-02-27: [ Assignment 7 ]
Additional Materials:
Fall 2006
Syllabus: [ ling200 AI ]