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džonatan (yicxok) vašington

office hours:TBA
by appointment(harbst 2024)
office:Pearson 105
blicpost:jwashin1 [æʔ] swarthmore [dɑɾ] edu
phone:+1 (610) 957-6134

Main areas of research

  • turkiše špraxn (der iker kazákiš un kirgíziš)
  • Articulatory and acoustic properties of vowel systems
  • Sonority and syllable margin phonology
  • Language technology for under-resourced languages
  • Computational descriptions and implementations of grammatical patterns: finite-state morphology and phonology, dependency syntax
  • The history of the Turkic languages, comparative Turkic linguistics


(2016)  Ph.D.lingvistik, Central Eurasian Studies (CEUS)universitét fun indyane
(2012)MACentral Eurasian Studies (CEUS)universitét fun indyane
(2010)MAlingvistikuniversitét fun vašington
(2005)BAlingvistik, Anthropologybrandays universitét